Dress Code

Dress Code - New starting in the 2023 - 2024 school year

Emporia Christian School seeks to provide an atmosphere conducive to reverent study and the development of strong Christian character. Therefore, students are to look their best and represent the Lord Jesus Christ well. Because it is our desire that all of our students be dressed in modesty and in good taste, the following dress code applies at all times when on school grounds or on field trips:

Winter Weather Conditions — Students will go out for recess every day that weather permits. They need to bring clothing appropriate for weather changes. Students will be kept indoors when the temperature or wind chill drops below 15 degrees. Only students with written parental requests will be allowed to stay indoors because of legitimate health concerns during regular recess periods.

Physical Education Dress –Tennis shoes for PE for grades K - 8 (to be kept at school for use if wearing other footwear which is not appropriate for PE).  

Seventh and Eighth Grade students ONLY: An additional change of clothes will be required for PE. Solid black or navy basketball-type shorts for girls and boys in warmer months or solid black or navy sweat pants in colder months along with a solid color t-shirt is required for PE for students in 7th and 8th grades.

All clothing should be clean and in good condition. Emporia Christian School reserves the right to determine whether or not clothing is acceptable.

To read our full dress code policy please refer to our parent and student handbook.